The laboratory philosophy relies on an inter- and multi-disciplinary approach, introducing the novel concept of “nanoimmunity-by-design” where the production and use of nanomaterials is not solely based on their physicochemical properties but also shaped by their predictable immune properties. The ImmuneNano-lab is currently involved in three major research lines, exploiting the immune properties of nanomaterials in different fields: Human Health, Environment and Space Biology.

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Featured News and Events

Best Oral Presentation award at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Conference!

Best Oral Presentation award at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Conference!

Our Marie Curie Fellow, Dr. Laura Fusco, received the best oral presentation award at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Conference...

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Dr. Laura Fusco received the Best Young Oral Presentation award!

Dr. Laura Fusco received the Best Young Oral Presentation award!

Our Marie Curie Fellow, Dr. Laura Fusco, received the Best Young Oral Presentation Award at the NanoMib Conference, Feb 29-...

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Our latest paper on Nano Today (IF>18)!

Our latest paper on Nano Today (IF>18)!

We are happy to share our latest paper published on Nano Today (IF>18), exploring the immune profiling and tracking of...

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Our video among the finalists!

Our video among the finalists!

The ImmuneNano-Lab was among the four finalists of the video contest "DSB in the City Award" at the Dept. of...

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The ImmuneNano-Lab among the finalists of the video contest at the DBS retreat

The ImmuneNano-Lab among the finalists of the video contest at the DBS retreat

The ImmuneNano-Lab presented two posters at the Dept. of Biomedical Sciences retreat (University of Padua, Italy) for the Ph.D students...

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Our latest paper and cover on Small Methods

Our latest paper and cover on Small Methods

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Congratulations to Prof. Lucia Gemma Delogu, who has been awarded the PRIN grant!

Congratulations to Prof. Lucia Gemma Delogu, who has been awarded the PRIN grant!

Congratulations to Prof. Lucia Gemma Delogu, who has been awarded the PRIN grant “WoundXene: chronic wound regeneration by MXenes-based 3D-printed...

by ImmuneNano-Lab
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Lucia G. Delogu key note speaker at the TNT2023

Lucia G. Delogu key note speaker at the TNT2023

Lucia Gemma Delogu Key note speaker at the TNT2023 invited by Phantoms foundation, Antonio Correia and Stephane Roche. Lione, France...

by ImmuneNano-Lab
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Prof. Lucia Gemma Delogu is delighted to host Prof. Yury Gogotsi at NYUAD

Prof. Lucia Gemma Delogu is delighted to host Prof. Yury Gogotsi at NYUAD

Prof. Lucia Gemma Delogu is delighted to host Prof. Yury Gogotsi at NYUAD, a special guest for a public talk...

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Lucia Gemma Delogu Invited Speaker at the Graphene Conference 2023

Lucia Gemma Delogu Invited Speaker at the Graphene Conference 2023

Prof. Lucia Gemma Delogu will give a talk as an Invited Speaker at the Graphene Week 2023.The 13th edition of...

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Transnational project meeting

Transnational project meeting

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Our latest paper published in Advanced Materials

Our latest paper published in Advanced Materials

The ImmuneNano-Lab just-published a paper in Advanced Materials (IF=32.08) resulting from the great collaborative effort with the group of Prof....

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Advanced Material Pandemic Taskforce (AMPT)

Prof. Lucia Gemma Delogu is a member of the AMPT road map working group.




Advanced Material Pandemic & Future Preparedness Taskforce (AMPT) is an international Public-Benefit initiative focused on using Advanced Material to help solve some of humanity’s most pressing challenges.

As an international cooperative platform, the multidisciplinary taskforce is building a global infrastructure and an ecosystem network that enables the advanced material community to respond swiftly and effectively under the umbrella of Future Preparedness.