Lucia Gemma Delogu, PhD – Associate Professor in Biochemistry
Department of Biomedical Sciences
University of Padua

Arianna Gazzi, PhD – Lab Manager

Linda Giro, M. Sc. – Graduate Fellow

Roberta Cagliani, PhD – Postdoc
Some of the alumni:
Marco Orecchioni, PhD – now working as postdoctoral fellow at La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology (LIAI), San Diego (USA).
Silvia Ferrari, PhD – now Scientific Director of the company “Pertec”, Modena (Italy).
Giulia Furesi, Bsc – now PhD student at Technical University Dresden (TUD), Germany.
Some of the previous master students:
Lucia Maschio
Maria Laura Arca
Muhammad Taimur
Esther Napier
Giovanna Razzu
Antonella Gallus
Sara Canu
Paola Mundula